(865) 637-0661

About the Firm

RDJS has specialized in litigation since 1966.

Over those five decades, RDJS’s attorneys have been recognized for their work in handling significant and challenging cases and for their commitment to the highest levels of professionalism. Hallmarks of the Firm’s culture are its attorneys’ work ethic, service in leading professional organizations, and commitment of time and resources to pro bono work and organizations.

The Firm in its present form was founded by Robert W. Ritchie, Charles W. B. Fels and W. Thomas Dillard and quickly gained a national reputation. Through the years, the Firm has grown and evolved to specialize in a variety of practice areas to serve its clients.

Our Work

In stark contrast to lawyers seeking volume practices, the Firm is selective in the cases it accepts. Each client, whether an individual, family or company, has specific goals and needs. Financial arrangements depend on the needs of the client and the type of case. No legal advice is given over the internet or otherwise in the absence of a written agreement confirming an attorney-client relationship. Generally, no fees are charged for an initial consultation.

Paralegals & Staff

The Firm’s culture and strength is also reflected in the experience and dedication of the Firm’s paralegals and staff. The Firm is intentional in seeking out and retaining the best and the brightest to serve its clients. Most of our paralegals and assistants have more than 20 years of experience in litigation. Their training and dedication has been a significant part of the Firm’s success for its clients for more than 50 years.